View Profile skullznshit3000

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Too bad

I didn't get it like I should have because I don't think I ever played the games that included these characters, nor have I seen the other episodes yet. I just watched it because it was in the top five email... Despite all that I still liked it. Funny stuff... It is likely that I will soon invest my time in watching this series. :) Good work



i reley dont wan to say this, but this is the freaking bomb!

Recent Game Reviews

20 Game Reviews

Spiteful Descent

The strange deity tried to warn you. The reward for scaling that magnificent tower truly was to much for a mere mortal to handle. But you ascended to the heavens to claim her heart anyway, unwittingly as it may have been. The goddess laid eyes upon you and as her plight dictated since the dawn of her existence, she found herself smitten with the love she is incapable of experiencing and impervious as long as her tower remains unscaled. In an existential wave of unimaginable emotions, she offers you her heart with full sincerity.

Lowly a mortal as you are, you find yourself intimidated by the intensity in front of you and are compelled to utter an extremely nervous and dreaded "I can't".

You upset the fragile deity at the peak of her spiritual evolution, and there are going to be consequences.

You have fifty seconds to descend down the tower. There is a portal located about one seventh of the way down and if you can reach it you can teleport yourself to saftey.

Check out my profile posts to find the level code. It's too long to fit into here

Hai Guys!

Spectacular! I played your first game back in the day. It was definatly a game... This is more though o.o

This is full of content and sound. just bursting at the seams with creativity and hard work. :)

No matter what the flaws were with the new game, they were made up for by giving the player more creative control. I can not stress enough how thankful I am for this.

(Untitled Song)cQ-ccR-ccL-ccG-acG-a!!-ccR-acJ-a bu-cbA-cbu-cbE-c!!-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-I,ab -caS-cbg-caS-kak-ccI-cbW-cbf-acD-a!!-
Z-Z-Z-g,if-ciC-ciY-cjv-ajV-aig-cjY-aj V-ajY-cju-chX-ckj-aix-a!!-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z -Z-I

Just a little something I came up with in a few minutes. Couldn't figure out where to go with it.

P.S. In the next game (Please make another one btw) You should add a riff sequencer. I know this sounds like it would take freakin forever, but I think if you spent less time making accessories for the band members (which were awesome btw... just not at all necissary) you could have more time for composition work.

P.P.S. You know what, scratch that. Just give me pack of guitar samples ranging in different scales, styles, lengths, and distortion levels =D Oh and don't forget to do it all twice with palm mutes and other sound effects =DDD

P.P.P.S. Just kidding you don't have to do all of that, just make sure you add riff sequencer :3

Evil-Dog responds:

haha I don't think I can improve much on this except fix a couple things people don't like, like the lack of free mode which I'll add and the lag which cause many people problems (although there's an offline version now on punk-o-matic.net)
Flash was already down to its knees spitting blood with POM2, I don't think I can push it further, it was also a nightmare to do recording/editing/setting up all the riffs in the game haha
Glad you liked it dude, thanks for the review


You would have gotten a 5/5 and 10/10

This game is great! The only problem is that on the 10th race there are three men who are trapped inside buildings so far out that the explosions from your weapons won't kill them. This making it impossible for me to unlock all the achievements.

Normally I don't judge so harshly on little things like that, but I feel cheated. lol so there it is.

The vast majority of the glitches I found are understandable considering the size of the maps. (not a flash creator, only speaking from what I have observed) so those wouldn't have mattered at all. but those men who are preventing me from getting that achievement... whew

let's see. the music is good even though you didn't list all the songs.
The graphics are mediocre. Nothing special but not bad either. I think you could have made some cooler looking effects and it would have evened that out.

Yea just remember... the tenth race

Recent Audio Reviews

71 Audio Reviews


Why didn't you tell me you put this up!

It's close...

Are you sure you arn't just downloading MIDI files from the internet and re assigning instruments?

No vote from me - and 7 ranking is what this would get even if I didn't think you cheated.


Indeed, It actually sounds like what runescape would have if they ctually used real music instead of midi's.

Recent Art Reviews

13 Art Reviews


There whatever IS whatever a whatever sketch whatever catagory whatever. You whatever selet whatever it whatever as whatever a whatever specificatrion whatever when whatever uploading whatever to whatever newgrounds, whatever but whatever it whatever won't whatever show whatever up whatever in whatever the whatever portal.


Next time add color

Oh and make a ninja =D

Btw Insomnium is more than metal, even more than music. Insomnium uses Music to create a new art. It's an art that features your intellect and your emotion. and then it presents this masterpiece made of your essence for you to look in awe at as though you were astounded you could possibly feel and think that way (the way you will when you listen to insomnium) =P


V01D responds:

lol whatever

That's pretty!

So when I want to make something look transparent I just put a background behin my image the same color as newgrounds media box. How do you make it actually tarnsparent

Nanakisan responds:

transparency is a special programming attribute achieved by saving your file as a 32bit .png with transparency enabled. When you make your art you have to have work on a transparent background then save to a tranparency optimized png format.

Joined on 2/12/06

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